CV Cecilia Alvarez 


Research in progress

New ventures’ internationalization: wealth-based impacts of informal investors and the rule of law. 

- Examining the dynamics of innovative entrepreneurship: A comparative analysis of gender and financial depth. 

- Entrepreneurial experience and growth aspirations: the moderating role of national research & development expenditure.

Visiting researcher

Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics (CEnSE) -  Jönköping International Business School -  Sweden 2022                                                                                       

Conference Participation

2024 Paper presented: "Inclusive or Exclusive? Diversity and Inclusion in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Research"  at DTU.

2021 Paper presented,  IV Workshop online sobre investigación en emprendimiento Campus Iberus. "Gender and innovative entrepreneurship: the moderating role of financial depth development"

2021 Speaker "Congreso Internacional de la Comunidad Andina - Reactivación Económica Post Pandemia", based on the paper "Gender and innovative entrepreneurship"

2021 Paper presented - ACEDE. "Individual human capital, national R&D investment and entrepreneurial growth aspirations".

2020 Paper accepted to the 3rd edition of the Paper Development Seminar (3PDS) - University of Seville.  (Seminar cancelled, but received feedback) 


PhD Entrepreneurship and Management (iDEM),  Cum Laude distinction - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2023

MAREB  Master in Applied Research in Economics and Business - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019              

Post-Graduate  International Business Practice - St Mary's University Twickenham London (SMUC), 2012 

Master´s Degree in Corporate Finance MFE -  Maestrías para el Desarrollo (MpD), 2009

Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration -  Bolivian Private University (UPB), 2007             

Professional experience

2016-2021  Assistant Professor -  Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”  - Escuela de la Producción y la Competitividad (ePC)     

2013-2015  Chief Investment Officer - La Vitalicia Seguros y Reaseguros de Vida S.A.          

2011-2012  Business Analyst IB Controlling Reporting -  UBS Investment Bank    

2009-2010 Trader and Consultant - I.I.D.E.E.(International Institution for Economics and Business)              

2007-2009  Market Analyst -  Bolsa Boliviana de Valores S.A.                                                                                                 

Teaching certification

Postgraduate degree in Higher Education -  Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, 2013                                                                                        


2020  Best paper award V Workshop o SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Family Business 

2009  Best thesis award for the 2009 MFE class, Tittle “Fundación Jorge Muñoz-Reyes”                                    

Other studies

2015 Contemporary art studies at Metàfora - Barcelona